I wrote this today knowing my chances of winning a LEF Grant again but actually getting the 400 hours to do it would be slim to zero because of my utilization rate. Please tell me what you think anyway.
Provide a short description of the grant request.
Create an immersive, interactive and intermodal 100-yr baseline of human health data, information and knowledge generated from medical devices, applications, and actors for personal health management—planning, decision support, monitoring and archiving.
Part 1 General Description
I will synthesize an interactive, human, health-data cycle of 100 years (as a baseline) for the sake of strategic communications by the World Health Organization to people managing the health outcomes of their unborn, themselves and/or their elders, alive and dead. Web 2.0 and 3.0 standards are involved in modeling a technology stack I think will enable people to interact with their digital human model, which forms the basis for planning, monitoring and archiving their structured and unstructured health data and metadata.
First, my concept of a health-data graph does not exist in the public domain; at least after searching one for two years. My health-data graph embodies the terms and concepts of human anatomy, physiology (pathology) and psychology (psychiatry) at all time scales, spatial dimensions and semantic variants. Second, I have not found a health IT professional who thinks, speaks or works with a health application that is intrinsically comprehensive, unified, integrative, and/or enduring (i.e., ~3.2 billion sec life-death baseline) with a 3D anthropomorphic user interface derived from an individual’s health data and personally digital human model. My work is unique because it will architect such a graph and interface, and innovative because it proffers an user experience from fertilization through postmortem disposition.
The innovation continues with a proposal for a Human Simulation international standard to complement the Human Animation ISO standard for the UI architecture. I will diagram and describe a personalized digital human model simulated in a cloud while the 3D human health IT app runs locally (e.g. iPad2).
Part 2 Value
Managing one's health more like one's wealth is compelling. The data [Bytes], energies [kWh], monies [USD], efforts [staff-hrs], and materiel [Global Trade Item Number] usage and consumption during a vivacious 100-yr life and postmortem disposition is overwhelming to ponder. My interface minimizes hassles of accounting and bookkeeping yet maximizes chances to plan wisely, make healthful decisions, monitor my health, and understand my health history. I have looked, asked, and searched for the last 2 years for someone with my mindset let alone a vendor with a solution, both to no avail. Going to market with a personalized 3D human UI, comprehensive data model, unified communications between patient, payers and providers, and integrative health IT services is worth pursuing.
I think such a health IT solution meets the criteria for a Blue Ocean—creates new demand in an uncontested market space. If you agree, then the business value is self explanatory. Nonetheless, the health IT market is a Red Ocean of health and medical record solutions primarily for the payers and providers and that is the problem. My concept assimilates xH/MRs, modeling, monitoring and planning of health events and states based on germane bodies of knowledge, devices, simulations, and personal desires.
My business concept is to disrupt the perception that we have to manage our health cycle with the limited services from treatment & training facilities, specialists’ offices, payers’ portals, disease centers, sports clinics, pharmaceutical laboratories, etc.. People’s health data should be logically organized in one data store with a disaster recovery site, secure as their protectively skinned bodies, searchable as fast as their memory-filled brains, and accessible as their autonomic functions preserving their lives. This concept as a type of graphing technology applied to health management that could create a demand in an uncontested marketplace. United States’ health data and metadata laws favor providers in terms of ownership. As a result, our data stewardship is fragmented, segmented, and compartmented by payers and providers. My concept humanizes health management with your anthropomorphic interface to your health cycle.
Part 3 Leverage
This idea will benefit the FCP by delivering the NPS Health IT Center of Excellence a basis for mobile presentations that appeal to the military and civil health systems because it amongst the other integrative features out shines the virtual lifetime electronic record paradigm they consider leading edge.
No Health IT Center of Excellence has advertised or revealed a service offering that has an architecture designed to the longevity of to be centenarians born this century. I’ve talked to and/or read about Healthcare Centers of Excellence (or equivalent) at IBM, Intel, Intersystems, Oracle, Google, Microsoft, et al via proxy or directly about this idea and they didn’t reveal anything comparable. Having a few male and female prototypical 100-yr health graphs will be a first. FCP will distinguish itself with compelling storylines; each derived from one of the PHGs I imply will showcase our mastery of integrating systems with service oriented architecture and cloud computing. Overall, CSC will benefit by being first to go direct to humans with cogent life stories and enduring solutions for lifelong Health Management.
Presenting plausible and probable 100-yr life stories of males and females from their health graphs and IT perspectives are the values this idea helps CSC bring to the Health IT marketplace. My fruitless search for such stories in governments, corporations and health professionals for the last 2 years left digital traces of my idea in the heads of those willing to hear and read me out; and many thought my pursuit is noble. You have to believe interacting with such graphs, models, simulators, and applications with your naked, virtual self augmented with traditional GUIs are as valuable as the fanciest financial GUIs, guides, handbooks, etc. in wealth management. And the costs of health data, models, simulations, applications, and services are part of a personal health graph as metadata.
Part 4 Approach
I will take a systems thinking (ST) approach to carry out my grant work—architect a personal health graph (PHG). I will use the tenets of ST: interdependence, holism, goal seeking, I/O, entropy, regulation, hierarchy, differentiation, equifinality, and multifinality to define the scope of the PHG. As complex, convoluted and compounded a 100-year human health graph might be, the systems thinking approach was chosen to simplify health management for the human with the health to manage by optimizing the user’s experience (i.e., intuitive interfaces, secure collaboration, etc.) and system’s costs (i.e., energy consumption, data volume/transfer, form factor, etc.).
My plan has me using (a 30-day trial version of) Enterprise Architect with SysML technology (all 13 diagrams) to graph a female and male master data model of health (alive and dead) to digital human models, medical devices, health actors, and health IT & services. My plan has me using the X3D Edit (freeware) to encode Anthropomorphic User Interface prototypes in the ISO/IEC FCD 19774 Humanoid Animation standard.
There are ten major milestones: 1) compile a human health Master Data Model 2) compile a catalog of medical device types 3) compile a human health services catalog 4) compile a human health actor roster 5) model the PHG structure and behavior with 13 SysML diagrams 6) enumerate the gaps and shortfalls of the Humanoid Animation standard to implement an anthropomorphic user interface 7) encode three H-Anim scenegraphs 8) review no fewer than two technologies to implement the PHG 9) write a 10-episode health story for male and female PHG users and 10) present the grant using EA and H-Anim embedded in a PowerPoint presentation.
My plan’s schedule has approximately one week between milestones.
Part 5 Outcome
I will learn to appreciate the enormity of baselining and benchmarking over a century for human health management. I will learn why no international NGO, government, corporation or individual has composed a PHG or specified one for all to see, sell and/or solicit. I will learn the difficulty of creating and sustaining a century-long behavior pattern for a data structure that will change 10 times over during that century. I will learn about techniques and principles for visualizing human health data, information and knowledge to support health goal setting, healthful decisions (e.g., eating and exercising), health monitoring, picking health professionals, and health assessments based on mind, body and spirit data in one’s PHG. I will learn what cumulative data volumes, exchanges, and formats could be for male and female centenarians. I might learn the energy consumption, financial costs, labor and materiel associated with a well-kept PHG.
I will deliver: 1) draft PHG architecture in SysML format 2) three H-Anim standard formatted animations of male and female health maintenance episodes 3) a 10-episode (~30,000 words) user story for a female and a male centenarian who’s PHG coexisted with them from their fertilization through post-mortem disposition and 4) a PowerPoint presentation of the compilations (i.e., actors, devices, BOK, food & medicine, and services) necessary to model a PHG in SysML.
Part 6 Additional Information
This grant proposal is a refinement (i.e., smaller scope and clearer purpose) of my winning 2008 LEF Grant proposal I did not get the time off to execute. I have been leisurely investigating this topic herein since 2008 and think activities like the NASA’s Digital Astronaut, Digital Human Modelling, Virtual Physiological Human, Virtual Autopsy, Visible Body, Personal Health Software, DARPA’s Virtual Solider Project, Virtual Patients Group Consortium, Virtual Family, and X3D/H-Anim are the giants’ shoulders necessary to accomplish this grant in fewer than 400 hours. My recent work with the NPS Healthcare CoE allowed me to consume a lot more health IT content (e.g., Microsoft Health Services Group’s Amalga Unified Intelligence System training). Not even CSC’s 2010 The Future of Healthcare: It’s Health then Care LEF Report referenced 100-Year human health baselines or benchmarks as a springboard for discussing health IT products.
Please remember the PHG is a data structure that enables health IT to assist users with defining and displaying their health goals and planning behaviors to achieve them (i.e., wellness to world-class athleticism, staying well, and/or illness to good enough to return to work).
Clearly, this topic is germane to everyone reading this proposal so I ask that you consider the irony of how little health data there might be associated with those who live to be at least 100-yo (my baseline lifespan). I have not surveyed gerontologists about their patients’ health records so I am guessing centenarians generate fewer data per unit time, on average, than those who died younger than 100-yo. Moreover, I ask you remember this PHG is about total health management meaning data generation, capture, transformation, exchange, etc. form six degrees of freedom 1) receiving health services 2) using medical/health devices (e.g., heart implants to thermometers) 3) food & drink and medicinal intakes 4) emotional, mental and physical exertions 5) beginnings (e.g., fertilization or illness) and 6) endings (e.g., final disposition or illness).
Consider the millions of pages written and source lines of code compiled in the wealth management domain for legal and natural persons when thinking about my concept of a PHG. One could ask, why not a personal wealth graph, right? Absolutely! So when I came across The 100-Year Wealth Management Plan by Howard M. Weiss, I asked myself, where is The 100-Year Health Management Plan with software license and subscription?!?
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